A New Beginning….

‘Wayfarers’ is the name for our club for children aged approximately 7 to 10 (children in school years 2 to 6).

We meet on Wednesday evenings in term time, from 6.00pm until 7.15pm.

‘Subs’ are £1 per session, but a first ‘taster’ session is free.

Why are we called ‘Wayfarers’?

Our name means ‘people who walk along a path together’. 

At Wayfarers we do lots of things together that help us to learn about Jesus and how following him brings us closer to God. But we also know that Jesus is with us whatever path life takes.

What kinds of things do we do?

Together we

  •  play lots of games
  • get creative and make lots of lovely things
  • do cooking and baking
  • take on team challenges
  • share Bible stories 
  • talk about life
  • make friends
  • have fun!

 Doing all these things together helps us to learn more about ourselves, each other and Jesus. 


The club is led by Jill and Emma, members of the church at Overend, with support from other members of the congregation.


For more information or to find out if we currently have spaces contact Emma here