Valentines Day 2021
‘Our Church street Valentine 14 February 2021.’
Holy Habits Lent Programme
God in love unites us – Marriage & Relationships
February Circuit Letter
Circuit News January 2021
Covenant Prayer
Light of the world
Pastoral Letter from Rev Alan Combes
Dear Friends – it is Sunday. I invite you to go to the Methodist Website and to the Circuit web-site where you will find resources posted up to help you throughout today and the coming weeks. There is also a letter from me which will be shared during this week electronically and on paper.
Rev Alan Combes
Here to help..
November 2020
Continuing in Fellowship
Continuing in Fellowship
It is with regret that we are not able to hold public worship until further notice. Be assured we will be doing everything we can to ensure no one feels unnecessarily isolated. We will have to do things differently and here are some ways you will be able to stay in touch with our church family and share in fellowship:
Newsletter We will continue to be produced weekly keeping us up to date with any news. If you would like anything included please contact Janet Jones.
Services There will be the usual services being broadcast on the radio and television.Wesley Chapel are live streaming their 11.00 a.m. Sunday Services, you can link here (Livestreaming – Wesley’s Chapel & Leysian Mission).
Pastoral Support We will continue to offer support through our team of pastoral visitors, Lay Worker Martyn Filsak and Superintendent Alan Coombes.
If you need any support please contact Jackie Throniker on 07817 877893.
Practical Support If you require practical support e.g. shopping or collecting medicines please contact Debbie Westwood on 07921 581516 or email
If you are in the ‘not-at-risk’ group and able to offer assistance, please let Debbie know and we will co-ordinate a team of people to assist people.
Prayer Support If you would like us to remember anyone in our prayers please let us know. It is important that we continue to hold each other in our prayers, through this difficult time. Churches in England together have invited us to join together and light a candle in our windows, as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ. We are asked to join a national prayer for light, when many are fearful and uncertain we pray for ‘Light and Hope’. We are also asked to remember all Mothering Sunday, to give thanks for all mothers who offer support and to remember those for whom today will be a difficult or painful time.
Keep in Touch Whilst our public worship is an essential part of our faith we can take comfort from a song we have used on past Sunday School Anniversary’s, ‘the church is not a building the church is a people’. Now is the time to really put this into practice, we can all play our part by staying in touch with each other, supporting each other and sharing Gods love. We don’t have to physically see each other to remain in contact, there’s always the phone, what’s app, Facebook, email and website.
God bless you all, hold on to Gods grace and hope offered to all of us as we journey through this together.